Estimating the optimal distance threshold for partitioning clonally related sequences is accomplished by calculating the distance from each sequence in the data set to its nearest neighbor and finding the break point in the resulting bi-modal distribution that separates clonally related from unrelated sequences. This is done via the following steps:
A small example AIRR Rearrangement database is included in the
package. Calculating the nearest neighbor
distances requires the following fields (columns) to be present in the
# Import required packages
# Load and subset example data (for speed)
data(ExampleDb, package="alakazam")
db <- ExampleDb %>% sample_n(size=500)
db %>% count(sample_id)
## # A tibble: 2 × 2
## sample_id n
## <chr> <int>
## 1 +7d 253
## 2 -1h 247
By default, distToNearest
, the function for calculating
distance between every sequence and its nearest neighbor, assumes that
it is running under non-single-cell mode and that every input sequence
is a heavy chain sequence and will be used for calculation. It takes a
few parameters to adjust how the distance is measured.
package, and a v_call_genotyped
has been added to the database, then this column may be used instead of
the default v_call
column by specifying the
to be used for grouping of the sequences.first
can be set to FALSE
will use the union of all possible
genes to group sequences, rather than the first gene in the field.model
parameter determines which underlying SHM
model is used to calculate the distance.
) and the
corresponding 5-mer context model from Yaari et al, 2013
), an analogous pair of mouse specific models from
Cui et al, 2016 (mk_rs1nf
and mk_rs5nf
), and
amino acid Hamming distance (aa
).Note: Human and mouse distance measures that are
backward compatible with SHazaM v0.1.4 and Change-O v0.3.3 are also
provided as hs1f_compat
and m1n_compat
For models that are not symmetric (e.g., distance from A to B is not
equal to the distance from B to A), there is a symmetry
parameter that allows the user to specify whether the average or minimum
of the two distances is used to determine the overall distance.
# Use nucleotide Hamming distance and normalize by junction length
dist_ham <- distToNearest(db %>% filter(sample_id == "+7d"),
vCallColumn="v_call_genotyped", jCallColumn="j_call",
model="ham", normalize="len", nproc=1)
# Use genotyped V assignments, a 5-mer model and no normalization
dist_s5f <- distToNearest(db %>% filter(sample_id == "+7d"),
vCallColumn="v_call_genotyped", jCallColumn="j_call",
model="hh_s5f", normalize="none", nproc=1)
The distToNearest
function also supports running under
single-cell mode where an input Example10x
single-cell paired IGH:IGK/IGL, TRB:TRA, or TRD:TRG chain sequences are
supplied. In this case, by default, cells are first divided into
partitions containing the same heavy/long chain (IGH, TRB, TRD) V gene
and J gene (and if specified, junction length), and the same light/short
chain (IGK, IGL, TRA, TRG) V gene and J gene (and if specified, junction
length). Then, only the heavy chain sequences are used for calculating
the nearest neighbor distances.
Under the single-cell mode, each row of the input
should represent a sequence/chain.
Sequences/chains from the same cell are linked by a cell ID in a
column. Note that a cell should have exactly
one IGH
sequence (BCR) or TRB
(TCR). The values in the locusColumn
column must be one of
, or
(BCR) or TRA
, or TRG
(TCR). To invoke the single-cell
mode, cellIdColumn
must be specified and
must be correct.
There is a choice of whether grouping should be done as a one-stage
process or a two-stage process. This can be specified via
), cells are
divided into partitions containing same heavy/long chain V gene, J gene,
and junction length (V-J-length combination), and the same light chain
V-J-length combination.VJthenLen=TRUE
), cells are
first divided by heavy/long chain V gene and J gene (V-J combination),
and light/short chain V-J combination; and then by the corresponding
junction lengths.There is also a choice of whether grouping should be done using
(TCR) sequences only, or
using both IGH
and IGK
or TRB
(TCR) sequences. This is governed by
# Single-cell mode
# Group cells in a one-stage process (VJthenLen=FALSE) and using
# both heavy and light chain sequences (onlyHeavy=FALSE)
data(Example10x, package="alakazam")
dist_sc <- distToNearest(Example10x, cellIdColumn="cell_id", locusColumn="locus",
VJthenLen=FALSE, onlyHeavy=FALSE)
Regardless of whether grouping was done using only the heavy chain
sequences, or both heavy and light chain sequences, only heavy chain
sequences will be used for calculating the nearest neighbor distances.
Hence, under the single-cell mode, rows in the returned
corresponding to light chain sequences will have
in the dist_nearest
The primary use of the distance to nearest calculation in SHazaM is
to determine the optimal threshold for clonal assignment using the
tool in Change-O. Defining a threshold relies
on distinguishing clonally related sequences (represented by sequences
with close neighbors) from singletons (sequences without close
neighbors), which show up as two modes in a nearest neighbor distance
Thresholds may be manually determined by inspection of the nearest
neighbor histograms or by using one of the automated threshold detection
algorithms provided by the findThreshold
function. The
available methods are density
(smoothed density) and
(gamma/Gaussian mixture model), and are chosen via the
parameter of findThreshold
Manual threshold detection simply involves generating a histogram for
the values in the dist_nearest
column of the
output and selecting a suitable value within
the valley between the two modes.
# Generate Hamming distance histogram
p1 <- ggplot(subset(dist_ham, !,
aes(x=dist_nearest)) +
geom_histogram(color="white", binwidth=0.02) +
geom_vline(xintercept=0.12, color="firebrick", linetype=2) +
labs(x = "Hamming distance", y = "Count") +
scale_x_continuous(breaks=seq(0, 1, 0.1)) +
By manual inspection, the length normalized ham
distance threshold would be set to a value near 0.12 in the above
# Generate HH_S5F distance histogram
p2 <- ggplot(subset(dist_s5f, !,
aes(x=dist_nearest)) +
geom_histogram(color="white", binwidth=1) +
geom_vline(xintercept=7, color="firebrick", linetype=2) +
labs(x = "HH_S5F distance", y = "Count") +
scale_x_continuous(breaks=seq(0, 50, 5)) +
In this example, the unnormalized hh_s5f
model distance
threshold would be set to a value near 7.
The density
method will look for the minimum in the
valley between two modes of a smoothed distribution based on the input
vector (distances
), which will generally be the
column from the distToNearest
output. Below is an example of using the density
method for
threshold detection.
# Find threshold using density method
output <- findThreshold(dist_ham$dist_nearest, method="density")
threshold <- output@threshold
# Plot distance histogram, density estimate and optimum threshold
plot(output, title="Density Method")
## [1] 0.2468924
The findThreshold
function includes approaches for
automatically determining a clonal assignment threshold. The
method (gamma/Gaussian mixture method) of
) performs a
maximum-likelihood fitting procedure over the distance-to-nearest
distribution using one of four combinations of univariate density
distribution functions: "norm-norm"
(two Gaussian
distributions), "norm-gamma"
(lower Gaussian and upper
gamma distribution), "gamma-norm"
(lower gamm and upper
Gaussian distribution), and "gamma-gamma"
(two gamma
distributions). By default, the threshold will be selected by
calculating the distance at which the average of sensitivity and
specificity reaches its maximum (cutoff="optimal"
Alternative threshold selection criteria are also providing, including
the curve intersection (cutoff="intersect"
), user defined
sensitivity (cutoff="user", sen=x
), or user defined
specificity (cutoff="user", spc=x
In the example below the mixture model method
) is used to find the optimal threshold for
separating clonally related sequences by fitting two gamma distributions
). The red dashed-line shown in figure
below defines the distance where the average of the sensitivity and
specificity reaches its maximum.
# Find threshold using gmm method
output <- findThreshold(dist_ham$dist_nearest, method="gmm", model="gamma-gamma")
# Plot distance histogram, Gaussian fits, and optimum threshold
plot(output, binwidth=0.02, title="GMM Method: gamma-gamma")
## [1] 0.1199719
Note: The shape of histogram plotted by
is governed by the binwidth
parameter. Meaning, any change in bin size will change the form of the
distribution, while the gmm
method is completely bin size
independent and only engages the real input data.
The fields
argument to distToNearest
split the input data.frame
into groups based on values in
the specified fields (columns) and will treat them independently. For
example, if the input data has multiple samples, then
would allow each sample to be analyzed
In the previous examples we used a subset of the original example
data. In the following example, we will use the two available samples,
and +7d
, and will set
. This will reproduce previous results
for sample +7d
and add results for sample
We can plot the nearest neighbor distances for the two samples:
# Generate grouped histograms
p4 <- ggplot(subset(dist_fields, !,
aes(x=dist_nearest)) +
geom_histogram(color="white", binwidth=0.02) +
geom_vline(xintercept=0.12, color="firebrick", linetype=2) +
labs(x = "Grouped Hamming distance", y = "Count") +
facet_grid(sample_id ~ ., scales="free_y") +
In this case, the threshold selected for +7d
seems to
work well for -1d
as well.
Specifying the cross
argument to
forces distance calculations to be performed
across groups, such that the nearest neighbor of each sequence will
always be a sequence in a different group. In the following example we
set cross="sample"
, which will group the data into
and +7d
sample subsets. Thus, nearest
neighbor distances for sequences in sample -1h
will be
restricted to the closest sequence in sample +7d
and vice
dist_cross <- distToNearest(ExampleDb, sequenceColumn="junction",
vCallColumn="v_call_genotyped", jCallColumn="j_call",
model="ham", first=FALSE,
normalize="len", cross="sample_id", nproc=1)
# Generate cross sample histograms
p5 <- ggplot(subset(dist_cross, !,
aes(x=cross_dist_nearest)) +
labs(x = "Cross-sample Hamming distance", y = "Count") +
geom_histogram(color="white", binwidth=0.02) +
geom_vline(xintercept=0.12, color="firebrick", linetype=2) +
facet_grid(sample_id ~ ., scales="free_y") +
This can provide a sense of overlap between samples or a way to compare within-sample variation to cross-sample variation.
The subsample
option in distToNearest
allows to speed up calculations and reduce memory usage.
If there are very large groups of sequences that share V call, J call
and junction length, distToNearest
will need a lot of
memory and it will take a long time to calculate all the distances.
Without subsampling, in a large group of n=70,000 sequences
calculates a n*n distance matrix. With
subsampling, e.g. to s=15,000, the distance matrix for the same group
has size s*n, and for each sequence in db
, the distance
value is calculated by comparing the sequence to the subsampled
sequences from the same V-J-junction length group.
# Explore V-J-junction length groups sizes to use subsample
# Show the size of the largest groups
top_10_sizes <- ExampleDb %>%
group_by(junction_length) %>% # Group by junction length
do(alakazam::groupGenes(., first=TRUE)) %>% # Group by V and J call
mutate(GROUP_ID=paste(junction_length, vj_group, sep="_")) %>% # Create group ids
ungroup() %>%
group_by(GROUP_ID) %>% # Group by GROUP_ID
distinct(junction) %>% # Count unique junctions per group
summarize(SIZE=n()) %>% # Get the size of the group
arrange(desc(SIZE)) %>% # Sort by decreasing size
select(SIZE) %>%
top_n(10) # Filter to the top 10
## Selecting by SIZE
## # A tibble: 10 × 1
## <int>
## 1 89
## 2 37
## 3 36
## 4 34
## 5 33
## 6 33
## 7 32
## 8 26
## 9 25
## 10 25